Buy a headphone for TOEFL practice tests in Intec - Checked!
Get a fiction for Book Review "A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini- Checked!
Hand my passport size photo to Delta HQ after 3 months delay =.= - Checked!
Think of a thing that i'd bring to next Oral Communication class - Checked!
Find out why I've been tortured after flu - Pharyngitis/VERY sore throat - Checked!

But then, there's still so many unchecked... Motivate yourself KT. =)
Met HuiSin at Jusco today!! Yeaa.. told Shirley that i felt touched, very touched. Because most of my secondary school friends are clustered at places, at least being with one/two of our ex-classmate/school mate, but not me! Since January, i don't have a chance. Not a depressing thing, but is indeed a mentally-tough thing for one to keep setting different minds and lives for different occasions.What a mover. Talked loooong with her. =)

My mama uttered a sentence that shook me a little ''你在这样下去不是办法''. O_O With the climbing crime rate and the ma lai ren's ____ attitude and the pressure and the illness, she said that, finally. And even asked me if i can 停 - tata to Intec and rest at home. O.O With those problem i don't really feel like getting food from places outside Akasia, even it is near. I couldn't have asking people for accompany Each Time I'm about to go out right? Pressure - a thing that i keep fighting back. Kill you with chocolates, smiles and laughters!

Oh ya.. my house is getting cleaner, and gaining a shape of a home. =.= 1 or 2 months more to completion. Uncles, get things done soon please~ So that my fama can have more time slots to rest! =)

Just for fun. The cacated.


-DaN- said...

Hey. The peak always come after a downfall. So give urself more time k~
And. try cooking urself or go out n eat in a group lo!
NUTRIENTS are essential!!
So, never ever can neglect ur meal!!
haha. take k

Lim Kah Wei, Kathy said...

It's more like after downfallsss~
haha.. trying any available things to carry myself through, still Alive as me~
Most of others er.. tahpao one. Reaching the room after 6+pm left us no much time for the day.
Still, thanks! "D