Just deleted my expired draft post. Funny.. not. =.=
Nothing to do with Penguin, I dislike thinking on a title lol.

Am trying to type until I feel like sleeping.

So, my brother has enrolled in secondary school, the same one as his 3 sisters. And he has just graduated, which marked a finish line for primary school routine in our family. =) We are ooooldddddd godddd lol.

Have been enjoying letting dark chocolates to melt in my mouth. =)

Some people get you by looking into your eyes.
Some people get you by listening to what you say.
Some people get you by your repetitive words.
Some people never get you.
Not stubborn. Just that, they are not in your frequency.
Wait them to tune themselves then.

If something sad taught you something else, that would be great.
If nothing changed, I would be speechless.

Dehhhh bet you don't get what I typed :P
That's my aim anyway.
I bet after weeks I won't understand too. -.-

Universities application is going okay. Still with the flow. Besides the Toefl part which I am worrying all the time, yet nothing I can do on it. Popee popee.

I think I am super angry. But you won't see my anger. Thank god for that. =)

Literature is on the way. haaaha. Get me through another 2 semesters~~ =)

Found this somewhere: What's a black white black white black white...?
Answer: A penguin rolling down a staircase. =.=

Good night. =)


a bit of <3 said...

what??? funny cool interesting..its..annoying...

some people..bla bla bla learnt..get what u trying to say..but..they just um..no idea..how to..do it?? i guess..

a bit of less than 3 said...

en..its less than 3