
Back to Akasia on Sunday noon. After an hour of cleaning, I finally sat down marking an end to my holiday, the one with so much idleness and sleeps. =) Rain fell heavily. After quite a while the rain became lighter. Until night, scent of rain was still there. After a week of very comfortable sleeping in air conditioned room with the China silk blanket and a somehow bought overly soft pillow, I was quite sleepless, er.. For the first 30 minutes only. =)

Monday morning was a lazy one. I admit. =.= I still hoped to press the any-button on my hand phone to switch off the alarm and keep snoozing. Hehe. Eventually I woke up with the second time ring; I don’t want to run behind the bus ok.. Or even wait with the long queue. Everyone looks smart and decent on Monday. Lol. 1st: everyone wears decently - baju kurung and gentlemen with ties. 2nd: we were still energized with the energy we got from the short break. 3rd: people said I looked refreshed. Well, true, true. For one week. Haha~ Because, at night = now, I am already feeling like taking sleep leave. =.= Talked to Mdm Kiran with the effeminate. Swt. She is indeed a great lecturer. =) Hope I would not have shocked her with my SAT’s score.

was an Okay one. Still with much talking: somehow my hobby in Intec is either to stay alone (shhH) or to talknonsense with the others (#%!@(&…) =.= I still couldn’t stop myself from keep feeling sleepy. And yaa, oddly, today I felt like going back. V.v And, should I feel proud that right now I am not known as a quiet homo sapien anymore. This developing is a common one for me.. Unusual? As usual. Since yesterday, I could not decide what food to eat/buy already. =.=.. After a week of eat-whatever-mom-buys. Breadstuff, here I come. *I like raining, but not at here, because we are not shaded* Friday, come faster~ (see. I am patriotic; I want weekend to come faster :P)

was filled with Grammar’s frustration and Writing’s digressed comparing & contrasting. Omg. This class.. I wonder any lecturer will eventually turn crazy with us~ =.=Rain rain rain, I know the weather seemed great with no baking hot sun. But, the rain.. Mafan la. Thanks to eeJane who came to me with umbrella yesterday. :D If not I might have to wait there for hours/ got back soaked/saturated. Lol~

I was thinking eh~ End of this year, I want to:
  • Go anywhere and stay overnight with my younger sister. She is desperate for a trip. =) then I can threat her to do better in next year PMR. Coup!
  • Go to PD and meet my Inti-family~ Dad, sisters and brother (do I have one/more now?) and kwek Jie etc! =)
  • Go to Penang with tha, huisin, peiwun, and maybe drag some KH-family there~ woo~ =)
Ok.. These are so.. @.@~ Thinking of these makes me =).

Thursday: Today is ok. Weeks after now will be..not. I think. Hopefully we will not be diagnosed with CFS - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Lol~ Honestly I so so wanted to sleep every night at 10pm. If that happens I am dead. Thanks to my Pre-calculus xx marks that made me feel even glum. =/ I am STILL trying to love calculations. =.= Looked through those subjects syllabus, found that I have to blow the 18 candles just right before the finals. YohH..!

Friday we have 2 hours writing test. It was somehow o.O.. I remember we were rushing in the exam hall doing sections of question in school. But this time, one essay, 2 hours~ (in fact I like this, because I can do VERY slowly, and thus, safe safe. Lol) Real thing to say: I am, again, fall in love being with my friends. The another Intec family. KH & KHBand family taught me how to be a little bit more noisy. Inti family gave me lots of love and care~ Intec family, *cough* ahem, made me mad sometimes most of the times and corrupted my unadulterated mind. =.= 2 more months with these crazy, mentally adulterated, some puerile and childish classmates. =) *Appreciating and treasuring. Once it is gone, it’s gone.*

How many =.= have i used?=.='''

~ This blog will be updated weekly/during weekend from now onwards. Unless I am having holiday. ~


Liz said...


i remember, i blew my 18 candles (though I think we only used one? or nine? can't remember) a few days before my SAT 2... cake compliments of my friends, whom were busy trying to hide and hint and surprise me. We all ditched studies and went out to SACC for dinner that night...

=) sometimes it's nice having birthdays close to exam. especially when you have friends like them! ^^

Lim Kah Wei, Kathy said...

ya. i think it's true. if i am celebrating at home, it's only cake and me and wall. haha~