Do you like bread? If it’s a no, bye bye~ =p

Grown in Mesopotamia and Egypt, wheat was likely first merely chewed. Later it was discovered that it could be pulverized and made into a paste. Set over a fire, the paste hardened into a flat bread that kept for several days. It did not take much of a leap to discover leavened (raised) bread when yeast was accidentally introduced to the paste.” Source

So bread actually comes from Egypt. Picture.. a wrapped mummy, eating bread. =.=

from wikipedia

Why polo buns are called polo buns? “Polo” is actually ‘pineapple’ in Cantonese. So some people also call them ‘pineapple bun’ or what I saw in Lavender - Rocky bun. lol.

It is said that Hong Kong people in the olden days do not like the blandness of the flavorless bread, so they add sugar on the top and I don’t know how things went and so poof~ Polo bun is borne.

But then until today, like the theory of evolution, same thing happens to the Polo buns. There are Polo buns which look totally like a ball but not polo, or look like a bread but still not polo. =.= For the fillings, there are also much to choose from. Trying new thing is good. =)

Have you ever heard of the ‘Doomsday Vault’?
I only knew about it 2 weeks ago. And I deemed myself as a highly outdated person. (always)

Svalbard Global Seed Vault, also called the Doomsday (seed) Vault, is a seedbank located within an Arctic mountain in the remote Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard (a remote island near the North Pole, and north of mainland Norway), built to store every type of seed available in the world. One of the missions is to prevent accidental loss of diversity that happened in traditional genebanks.

Courtesy The Global Crop Diversity Trust 2006 / Statsbygg
Artist concept of vault design

This seedbank is built by the Norwegian government in year 2007, opened in early 2008, with the organisation by the Global Crop Diversity Trust, which has responsibility of ensuring the "conservation of crop diversity in perpetuity".

They looked far far into the future, modeled climate change, in which they predict the climate change in near 200 years and the melting of ice at the Poles to make sure that this site will be still above the water level. And if the mechanical refrigerator failed, the surrounding will continue to freeze those seeds.

The entrance.
Sources: 1,2.

I just thought this is an interesting thing, for me!! Seeds, crops, I’d rather knowing these, somehow. =)


I watched P.S. I Love You yesterday, half in the morning and the rest in the evening. Ya, I know many of you have watched it ages ago. Nice movie. For me the main thing in it is when we’ve lost something, irreversibly, we must learn to let go.

Have you lost something or somebody before? I accept the fact that I have. Letting go is not as easy as ABC and is not as simple as saying Yes I Can, yet for many, it is the only choice.

I really do not like the presence of the lost, still lingering here around me, not physically but mentally, as if it will never leave me alone. Sometimes I thought I am destined for the life it left behind, so much, so real that time couldn’t erase.