if you want to speed on the road..
otherwise, this is what you will get:

I miss that super purple pao I don't care if it's mere coloring lol.

So.. this week is not as depressing as exam week. But I do like exam week.. because that's the only time I am tuned for study, eat, and sleep and nothing else. Geeky enough. Once the exams are over, I'm dead. Deadly lazy. -_-

This week is supposed to be fun, I think =.=

My roommate had a nightmare on her term paper. And the housemate and I were like.. "we just haven't STARTED our nightmare" at least she is on the way already lol. Mine will start soon =)

Was super exhausted yesterday, but miraculously I woke up at 830 but not 11 or 12pm. Hee.

I am hungry now -.-

Occasionally I hope a choice is given to me, not me choosing from the choices. Application is way easier than er.. choosing :P

I miss clarinet weiii.. eee..

Okay going back to finish my 2nd-time reading for the term paper novel. Oh oh. We have proposal to do?

Just feel like covering the left eye. I suang. XP

sneezing nonstop..