Day 1 of holiday, which doesn't feel like a holiday. Because there is a feeling of this is a study week. =( Anyhow, i haven't studied. Omg, i need a momentum to move me from this inertia.

Morning was good. I did not set alarm yesterday but my biological alarm, enthusiastically but inopportunely, woke me up at 7 something. =_='' Then my mom gave me a rather bad news "they (the workers) will come at 10 to polish the marble floor." (and the machine they use is very not ear-friendly) W.H.Y =\ This is the first day of the short break, but..!!

Ok, so as promised before, I accompanied my younger sister to Popular to buy the indefinable book she wants. Then i saw Swiss muesli and i bought one box again! =) Let me stay with cereal products and you will sense my delight~~

Came back at 4p.m.. I feel like sleeping. Then i slept, for few minutes. =.='' The house seriously needs cleaning, so i just have to help. Oh, the house's color changed. Not white anymore~ is peach! =) oh, i just found out that 'peachy' means very good. Haha~ swt.

1 more week and adios to SAT. *a bit 怕怕*

My younger sister is cajoling me to attend her friend's birthday celebration. It is all HER friends. So I insist to reject! =.='' And, i talked so lot to my mommy today, because i keep needing water for the constantly sore throat. XD

Sovitha, i miss u! Pei wun, Pei wen, Hui sin mama, too! Yiwen jie, Eldwin papa, other jie(s), too too! U.U