1. Mom is still using the monkey hp-holder we gave!! =) =)
My nanny's daughter's son - if i am not mistaken. Hahaha!! =) He looks like a good boy, but then for the whole 20 minutes, he was throwing the air-filled bear on his hand so that people will take it back to him. =.= Kids like attention. And, he was speaking with 'their' language which sounded like "ahhH. ErhhH. Eeee!!. errrR~! etc" and i was guessing hard to understand those codes. =.=''
Joined mama to...
and to...
and and to...
and and and to...
and.. until i was tired to.. =.= (these are the cutest lamps!=) ) From Hello Kitty to dolphin, there are so many kinds. How good if i can change a new one every week. =)
But i still can =) !!! Latest view of 'siao za bo'.

Lamps here, lamps there. A seller actually told us, in fact yellowish/orangish light is better for eyes. But because Malaysian especially, had a belief that the lamp must be Bright enough, bright!!, so most shops sell what is demanded. And, my mom actually bought more ceiling fans than lamps at those shops. =.=

Today the weather is super hot. My younger sister asked me why Fall/Autumn could be so hot. =.= Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~ =) =)

Tired to type more. Feeeel the post~ lol.. :P
Thanks SAMclan and yiwen sister for the Tshirt! =)


GGdTJJ said...

Why you shop for lamps? House renovation nia wor.. You think like me move new house meh..
It's okay... you did it all in one day.. We have a big house and many many lightings, and choosing lights have been a big pain in our brain, well, it's over now!
Enjoy la, we went to one lighting shop, buy no lights, but 5 fans. That's the way!

BTW, I would be glad if you would acknowledge that the T-shirt design is by me. Thank you!

Lim Kah Wei, Kathy said...


ok.. i didnt know you are the designer. THANK YOU~!!!!!!
I thanked all because I am given the priviledge to have one.

And.. Almost all lamps are changed mah. already used over 15 years leh. Yaa.. we bought ONE lamp, 3 fans. XD