Proud of my younger sister, and myself!! lol.. was using all my resting time during weekend to teach a sister who never uses water color to produce one piece of
imaginary world. She used hours to think of a shape, finally she thought of sweet and drew that
green 'house'. =.= I remember
i scolded her a lot. =.= Especially after she colored the bridge with too much dark blue. :P
Current vogue in Austin.
What a monday. We started off our revision week doing revision only for ONE subject. Lecturers are busy with their revisions and works.. so after all, this is another week, but things are all so not in order. Last few days in Austin O.O Yahh, silence is one of the best remedy in my life. =) (seriously need to find a sea now, to See!! =.=) Yeaah.. i left my calculator at home. Yaahh, i took the wrong side of the iron, if people use it to smooth clothes, i've smoothed my finger. =)
Tuesday. Still trying to solve the cute matrices. Because it is such a rare case that i can solve one correctly on the first attempt. =_= And i am typing these because i can't solve any 3x3 inverse matrices.. pathetic. You know what You know what? After the last group campaign project creating awareness of protecting endangered animals, eBay has just banned ivory products!! wooh~
Last class with Ms Deela. Thank u MsD~ ;D
See the similarity? :P
See the difference? =.=''
A growing number of Americans believe John McCain has attacked Barack Obama unfairly. Really? I think so. XD ------ =.='''
So doomed. I did a stupid mistake in Precal quiz.. And second quiz took me thrice to figure out an answer which might be wrong.. O.O I miss my calculator. =\
Sarah Palin said "I have more experience than Barack Obama" wooo..Intrepid.
Their verbal battle is getting interesting...muahahaa!! =.='' ignore me.
Para Jpa scholars in Intec.
Wednesday. A day doing matrices in Toefl lab, a date with JPA officers. ~~ Austinians are all getting cuter and cuter, Shahril said because at the end of the semester, people are only getting 'open'. Maybe. Shahril's BMI = close to starvation. What an endangered species of elephant. =.=''
Thursday. Happy 18 to ME~ Thanks for the >10 sms-es. And >10 friendster wishes. Muaxx! Let's hear my sms beeps today okay? swt. Wait. today is thursday? TODAY? NO!!! *pray pray* =\
What do you think?
First and foremost, happy birthday again la..
Secondly, nice drawing of your sis and I see nothing wrong with the dark blue bridge. Haha.
And yes, I am aware that ebay has banned ivory but did you know, there's LEGAL ivory and I don't know if it's allowed by ebay. LEGAl ivory is taken from elephants that are dead or >70 years old. All the profits from the ivory should be gotten back to the action to protect ivory. That's LEGAL ivory.
High-end piano manufacturers use that.
Also, on pianos that are manufactured before 1900 and it happened that there are ivory keytops, I believe it's still allowed, at least in US law la..
Well, I know about ivory keytops nia.. LOL
Yer.. you should go and see those elephants photos with their trunk taken. Ewww...
thanks again~ ;)
Ei, I find the LEGAL ivories are good thing lai de lo. Or else you also waste jor them nia...
Then, those before 1900 de why can like that I not sure.. gotta do some readings!
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