
I remember something. One thing.

Why la we don't have a class name for this semester?!?! O.o

"What class you are in?"
"er.. Group B"


Maybe. GB, Gigabyte, Great Britain (=.=), like.. GayBoy. Then the other group, Group A, will become GA, Gallium.. or Georgia State.

Group Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeatrice. Haha!

Fellow GroupBians. =_________________=

Nothing sounds right.

So, I am in Group B. Duh.


Liz said...

better than mine last time =p

last summer i was calIIgroupII

this sem im "sociology"

no fun. lolz.

Lim Kah Wei, Kathy said...

Haha. Understand. herg..

is giving a name that tough?

Anonymous said...

i know rite...whenever i said im in class 'b', they will be like:
owh so you're in Boston???