For someone who at first like Green but..~~~ lol. In Spanish, green is verde. In Italian, also is verde. In French, green is vert~* And in english, green is green. Hahaha~ =.='''' *ahem* Well, do value green, a powerful colour!~

Environment friendly colour~

See? Healthy colour.
And, interesting colour!~
Laughable colour**

Grassy colour~

Alien de colour. hahaha~


明天我們暫時要分離 電話中你不捨的語氣

每天要聽一次我愛你 你說這樣會感覺貼心

如果說我離去 你的心會下起雨

滿天是烏雲 整個世界少了空氣

把你抱在懷裡 我們沒有言語
 我們抱在懷裡 我們不想言語
今天以後留下回憶 我們可以(一起)溫習
 我愛你 不言語 這一刻天在哭泣

離別那天你為我送行 說好我們不難過傷心

我說可不可以 一路握你的手心

放在我懷裡 這樣才能感覺你的呼吸

站在離境門前看著你 臉上你捨不得的表情
如果說我可以 用全宇宙的魔力

讓時間暫停 讓我們可以不分離

Repeat #.#.#

我愛你 不放棄 這一刻不想分離

不會分離 不會分離 不會分離


Okay, yesterday ter-slept late. (what a ter...~) and ter-can't fall asleep! Maybe ter-stayed till too late. Then after that ter-automatically had a sleepless night! actually slept. A while.. @@~ The outcome is, i am Now, very very dizzy.. head is aching. My room mate is not here yet. She will be back tomorrow gua lo. Because.. her timetable is so~** Monday - no class. Wednesday - no class. Yea.. Happie sem break to my sis. Please be neat and clean eii. The room has been diligently maintained leh!! I just have the aircon's organs washed okey? Please keep the floor clean!! Try not to eat inside the room can?? T.T~ I actually ter-recalled smtg. Last last week ho, i went to AEON ma, then.. oh no no, it ws Klang Parade..@.@, a salesman hor, those promote credit card de ah, got one ah, ter-let me witnessed his bad performance. :P

''Xiao jie, got use credit card de mahh?'' (exactly with the 'mahh')
shake head (although this was a lie :P)

''Shi (Ya) mehhh~~?'' (with a very !!! de tone and !!! de look)

I walked away. *smirked* lol..

Today Diamond (not that shiny shiny one ya) company de people came to my house. To wash the Diamond water filter. Then inevitable, to promote their new filters and package and bla~ So ho.. okay the story ends here. :P :P I am madly tired! hee~

Bonne nuit, mon cher~
(Good night, my friends - in French)