Found this from my handphone oh er, that wednesday to KL..
Taught this two future li hai clarintists =)

Went back to my alma mater, after years of struggle (really one lo), now the hall they have is much leng-er than Intec's. :P
In the effort to change my major, I was actually, ahem, googling "Format surat rasmi" lol.
nvm we have Technical Writing next semester hehe.
I am trying to recall what I have done omg.
Ya I asked/shouted for help from many people. =.=
Translating many documents and laughing at my high school performance.
I was absent for one Sejarah paper, failed (got 33marks) for another Sejarah paper. Kononnya president of Persatuan Sejarah once upon a time. Haha..
Got one C5 for add. maths. Told you I am not good in numbers. -.-
My attendance err.. 164/195 lol..
Terlupa to wear covered shoe during a chemistry lab session, spotted by Ms Zai while I was happily crossing my leg *whoops a pair of white sandals*.. Then I have to went around to hunt for shoe and finally I borrowed Crystal's hehe.. *siasui*
Went out with khaimun papa, phingphing mama and yujian koko to KL Bird Park on the first day of our Raya break omg sleepy but thank you it was fun really fun~ =) Tata yujian live great life in UK~

The entrance and exit in attempt to imitate the bird's beak..

On a small area with grass but it seems like we were on a big big grassy place lol =)

another take.

This peacock is super swt trying to attract flamingo's attention but got no response =.=

Translate yourself.

*Appreciating the greens*

Like their poses lol

Huaidan Jason kokor says I looked like
sekia in those pictures. =.= You sekia also le! =.=
Went out with sisters to Sunway on the 2nd day of the break so sleepy I can sleep at anywhere. Ate Tony Roma's, okay nia expensive till.. Rubbed my eyes all day, reached home, went out again to 5s2 gathering. Thank you wanyee =). Tata AhKiat, congrats for the geng result and all the best in UK hee~

the 174cm 12 year-old brother. How good if I have his height gene. lol

Cheeling and I
like our super first photo hor..

kacakk! before i left. =)
photos credit to wanyee the s2 angel.
I am hungry again.. =.=
but given to choose to sleep/to eat, I choose to sleep! =_=
Desperate d, super scared with coming continuous 5 weeks which might pull down my cgpa to like.. *don't imagine!* I need a superpower: be able to stay :D even not having enough sleep for 5 weeks. Sigh. Going to sleep for 12 hours every day for a month after October, so wake me up in November =)
Maybe I should apply YYH's quote, "I
aim for C, so I don't feel stressed" But then, JPA will send love letter to me. @.@
Poh pee JPA let me sun sun li li change to Microbiology I promise I will bring many bacteria back to tanah air tercinta. -.-
Poh pee omg coming tests all easy easy. (for self assurance this will be impossible, always impossible for Biotech students tak tahu kenapa.)
Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps by Barbara and Allan Pease. Going to discover why ahem some guys ahem are so stubborn and why I am so bad in directions lol.
It's going to take me months to switch back to tidur awal bangun pagi ritual. Oh My God.
I miss Korean kimchi rice. eeee..
I love mooncakes. eee eeee..
I need more cash so that I can eat those. haha..

Charcoal icy-skin mooncake =)
Bought a baby fridge! Tell me how to smuggle it to Akasia!!! :P :P
Happy happy. Can keep many many apples. Can buy cakes and eat in the morning. Can keep the bread and doesn't need to eat them like competing with the expiry date. Can keep jelly. Can keep yogurt. Can keep orange juice. Yeeeeay!