My holiday, ending part of week 4 especially, ended in a regretful but
wonderful way. Regretful because I did not study for at least half of the holiday (a sure);
wonderful for I was rushing few assignments in the last 3-4 days. Duhh.. I conclude my CNY break as a busy, tiring, rich(er, but not those in my wallet) and full (of eating). Alright, now I have to wait for another
6 weeks before I can sleep for few days without setting the alarm. =.=
Week 5 started with a heavy taint of holiday/Monday/whatever
BLUE! So much so much, all in a few days until I was thinking to get a
second brain for my next birthday on October, if you ask me. Until Monday’s night when I was at home praying (Pai Ti Gong - Hokkien tradition), and I saw firework, I added seeing firework as another birthday wish. =.= Thanks to Mel for sending me back, it is really =.= as we only knew that both of our homes are actually
SO near after half year in Intec. Pai Ti Gong is fun, which I believe the Ti Gong (whichever god) must be sooo happy having so many foods and goods. Of course, after the pray WE are the one who'll eat those foods. =.= After a few pages of calculus that Monday evening, I helped to dye, or color, or redden the
eggs. I don’t really know the meaning behind using the red eggs. And yay~ I ter-colored my own fingers too! And Muru thought it was my nail polish..=__= Slept late in the midnight, I was happy. Waking up after
FEW hours at 515am, I was depressed. FYI, lack of sleep can cause many troubles inside your own body, especially for those (me..) who just love to sleep until I can wake up because I can’t sleep anymore. So, there goes a dizzy Tuesday, with many many more to do in the evening. *faint* At least we had fun during AC class. Half of the class has to say “
I love You” to another half to get their reaction and replies. LOL. It was really fun, but I think, I drained myself during the laughing process..=.=
NONcommercial BREAK!
Caring week, an event organized by IE (intellectual & emotional (I know it sounds like “HAR?!” to some)) club, from the 16th to 22nd of February. Valentine’s Day is over by that time, so there is no excuse besides exams. On 16th the Monday,
BLOOD DONATION campaign will be held in the Great Hall from 1130-3pm, please support this event~ People need your blood! And your blood cells need to be renewed~~
On the weekdays,
Organ Donation campaign will also be on, for more information, do visit . We are not asking you to give us your kidney/eyes/lung/___ NOW, it is a kind of donation you can make if something (reaaally reeeeally bad) happened to you. You fill a form, you get a card, we will send your form to the hospital in charge and that’s it! =)
spend your money to care for your friends, lecturers/anyone else in Intec, Akasia, Cemara and Cendana. We have gifts for you to dedicate to them; pay us an amount of money and we will do the rest for you. The best part is: ALL $ we get from the selling, will go to an orphanage/old folks home we are going to visit on the same Saturday. ;) Do you CARE about the community? YES, IE cares, and IE wants you to care. =)
Next week is great when I knew we only have 3 days with classes, but it turned even ‘great’ when I know we have to attend 3 continuous 8-6pm classes, minus lunch hours. @.@
Biology is supposed to be something fun to learn, without quizzes and tests. Quiz 2 was not easy, I simply filled in the blank part and
left some for my lecturer. =.= Loooong Wednesday it was, our ‘extra curricular class’ is something I wish I can skip. =__=
Oh ya, I actually SAW someone
playing clarinet in Blok P today! Lucky music student, it must be fun to have that as homework. O.O
So often, these weeks, I could not even remember what assignments we have because the list seemed too long, and it stays long all the time. My imagination? =.=
I wonder whether it is because of the stomach is missing the holiday foods or it is because the hormone imbalance due to too much perusing, the stomach just couldn’t stop alarming me with cramp.
Friday oh Friday, comes faster even if I’ll have to send my calculus to grave, all these are so tiredly loathsome! (what kind of adverb-adjective is that?) =.= Don’t care.
Thursday is good. Because the next day will be Friday. Didn’t feel good at all the whole day, pain inside, ok outside. Headache, dizzy, stomach cramp, sleepy, backache… What else? Took an hour nap in the afternoon, too short to replenish my strength anyway. Horrible weeks are approaching with countless assignments, now I wish I can finish them in 2 days, and then faint for 24 hours on Monday. How great.
Alright, nothing much. Having calculus test tomorrow, it is such a horror. Calculus.. Maybe when x is approaching tomorrow’s 445pm, the limit will = +infinity relieved.
I'm done.