a) We HAD break and nice sleep
b) We don't have BTN YET. =.=
c) We enjoyed :D
d) What else?
I used part of this break to mull over certain happenings in my life. Good one. Now I realized it has been long since I last thought deeply. Tomorrow I'm going to continue that at Kanching waterfall. =) I need nature~
So.. Selamat kembali all those seniors and friends who are done with BTN~ Go and sleep before Summer sem~~ And I shall try to forget about bee tee ann first until it is time. =_=
Someone in Malacca actually googled my full name. @.@ Who are you?? =.=
ADFP 15. Revive yourself for Summer semester!! :D
I want more activities!! (siao..)
Owh. Spring results shall be out tomorrow or on Saturday/Sunday. *deeeeeeeep breath*
Accidentally ate too much honey star today. =.=''
Good night! :)