This is what you can expect to see in my class, Austin.
*There will be many grammar and language errors. Pardon my mistake. I am in a so rushing mood*
So what have I done lately? Lot. Done my TWIF book review presentation finally~ I was quite numb, but glad that some of you actually gave response when i talked about Jackson & Timberlake thing.. :D And for the first time i was using cue cards, i dropped it. =.='' The best for me was that i wasn't that nervous, (is this mean that i was indifferent? NO! :D)

What we need if we keep staying inside the room with notes.
Yesterday we have CTES - theology & philosophy test. What happened when Kathy is facing an imminent exam? She feels weird. She feels super weird and she will be mentally unstable. She went back home. And she ter-scolded her sister and brother because they were so happy and keep asking for things and time. =.= Then? She felt the guilt. And she bought their favourite things for them to compensate. =.='' She slept at 12am and ter-woke up at 415am. Nervous. =.= Her alarm was set to ring on 530am one.. Then because it was early. She walked here and there, out to the garden to visit the plants and flowers. Then she ate the rice mama bought. Hot one leh!! =.= She repeat the sequence of resleep + rewake-up. Then she waved tata to her mama happily before she went back to Shah Alam. =) Siao.
After the exam we went to PakLi Kopitiam again. On the way back home i slept in car. =.='' Then reached home my mama says "Eh go and eat. I bought for you d" O.o Ok.. mama's wish = i eat (after a lunch at PakLi). So, i ate and bathed and keep trying to online but finally slept. :D =.='''

You know hor, this week is a mental torment for me and it kept bringing back the scene i was having toooo many time to sleep in Inti. =.= Everyday sleeps by 930pm and wakes up at 6am. Such a treat for my mind. v.v I was even thinking that i am torturing myself. Tired!! <>rojak. Finals are coming somemore. Omg.. Am i ready? Not really. Then i am supposed to be studying right? I am in indolence. =\ What.. Why.. How.. AHHhh~
So last Sunday was great. Yes, GREAT! We went to Flaming Steamboat, which is then manipulated and become > Steaming Flameboat for a steaming dinner + celebrate SuiYing's B'day~ with Ms Deela and her husband. Lots of jokes turn up and I laughed till my face muscle got tired too. =.= The following photos that i have uploaded (the world is flat!! =.=)

Shahril. Looked like he is injured.. hahaha =.=
with MsDeela and her husband~
with last baba Ronnie and Suiying~
looks like family photo eh..
That day was fun. At least i know laughing can really heal thousand ailments. =) Ok, done with this post and i should be thinking more positive again. Positive, positive, positive. =) =) =)
(o.O looked sick)
Time for a hair-cut.. soon.. later.. not in the mood yet.
omg the chocolate art is... omg!
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