We finished our finals!!! Yippee~!!

Four months have just passed..!? O.O

Time travels too fast leh. I was telling eeJane in our last trip on Intec bus this sem, soon we will countdown to New Year again.

I realized in these 4 months, i took taxi more than any other moments in my life. =.= Thrice to and fro to Sunway and once from Cemara to Intec. And i took bus 10 times or more per week. Whoa! That's a lot. =.='' And i have eaten more organic flourless bread. RM28 per month on bread. swt.

Thanks to Austin for giving me a complete piece of memory. Those pieces of puzzle were solved yesterday when we work out the last piece. The whole picture is a nice one, a really great one. =)

We went to Sunway again yesterday. First time shopping with eeJane. We have few similarities on shopping. 1) We like to walk into shops, see see, talk talk, walk walk >>> Walk out. 2) We even like to scrutinize goods but always end up buying nothing. (well, every purchase should be done with no regret mah. :D) 3) We will do silly thing like seeing the 'patung' they use to style and show clothes. =.='' After all, we are frugal spenders!! :D I'm going to miss all of you~

Thank you Huisin for coming out. It was happy to see you again! =)

I was reading a TIME article on vegetarianism. Fun, cute, interesting.. 


1) It tastes good 
2) It makes you feel good
3) It's a great American tradition
4) It supports the nation's farmers
5) Your parents did it

Oh, sorry...those are five reasons to smoke cigarettes. Meat is more complicated. It's a food most Americans eat virtually every day: at the dinner table; in the cafeteria; on the barbecue patio; with mustard at a ballpark; or, a billion times a year, with special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame-seed bun. Beef is, the TV commercials say, "America's food"--the Stars and Stripes served up medium rare--and as entwined with the nation's notion of its robust frontier heritage as, well, the Marlboro Man.

There are as many reasons to try vegetarianism as there are soft-eyed cows and soft-hearted kids. To impressionable young minds, vegetarianism can sound sensible, ethical and--as nearly 25% of adolescents polled by Teenage Research Unlimited said--"cool." College students think so too. A study conducted by Arizona State University psychology professors Richard Stein and Carol Nemeroff reported that, sight unseen, salad eaters were rated more moral, virtuous and considerate than steak eaters.

To true believers--who refrain from meat as an A.A. member does from drink and do a spit-take if told that there's gelatin in their soup--a semivegetarian is no vegetarian at all. A phrase like pesco-pollo-vegetarian, to them, is an oxymoron, like "lapsed Catholic" or "semivirgin." Vegetarian Times, the bible of this particular congregation, lays down the dogma: "For many people who are working to become vegetarians, chicken and fish may be transitional foods, but they are not vegetarian foods ... the word 'vegetarian' means someone who eats no meat, fish or chicken."

Clear enough? Not to many Americans. In a survey of 11,000 individuals, 37% of those who responded "Yes, I am a vegetarian" also reported that in the previous 24 hours they had eaten red meat; 60% had eaten meat, poultry or seafood. Perhaps those surveyed thought a vegetarian is someone who, from time to time, eats vegetables as a side dish--say, alongside a prime rib.

Maggie Ellinger-Locke, 19, of the St. Louis, Mo., suburb of University City, has been a vegetarian for eight years and went vegan at 15. Since then she has not worn leather or wool products or slept under a down comforter. She has not used cups or utensils that have touched meat. "It felt like we were keeping kosher," says Maggie's mother Linda, who isn't Jewish. At high school Maggie was ridiculed, even shoved to the ground, by teen boys who apparently found her eating habits threatening. She found a happy ending, of sorts, enrolling at Antioch College, where she majors in ecofeminism. "Here," she says, "the people on the defensive are the ones who eat meat."

More of this article from here.

And then, i found a list of 531 famous vegetarians. And then.. let's see who else is vegetarian, shall we? 

1) Socrates - know thyself to be true
2) Isaac Newton (gravitational force. :D)
3) Mark Twain!!
4) Immanuel Kant
5) Ian McKellan (LOTR)
6) Albert Eisntein (ok, this one i remember the theory of relativity)
7) Charles Darwin - "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man."
8) Leornado Da Vinci - a vegan painter.
9) Pythagoras of Samos - a^2 + b^2 = c^2


10) SUPERMAN / Clark Kent the fictional superhero. XD

Seriously, sometimes when i am aware of my preference for desired subject/major, i can see the mind-list is getting longer. From psychology to food tech to food science (are they the same? =.=) to Bio chemistry to Bio Med to Bio tech to nutrition to dietetics to business to linguistic to... when will this end? I think i am not that greedy, i just WANT to be greedy. HAHAA~

Perhaps, 8 years from now, my life would be an eclectic one. No focus, full of choices? Who knows.

Alright, i am off to clear my room. =) CLEAR MY ROOM!! Going back home.. lalala~


Liz said...

aaaaiii? i shop like that too =)

me = no vegetarian. i love veg, but am a creature of convenience XD so i just head to the nearest mamak and eat whatever i get to buy *which will explain why i'm getting fat XD*

Lim Kah Wei, Kathy said...

you are not getting fat wo.
you are the first senior i met, and the last (if dont count Amy and LiXuan) for this semester.
so from the beginning to now, what i have seen is, you are not getting fat~~

:D :D