When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry =( x 100 , show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. =) x 1000

FINALLY i slept before 11pm. Planned to sleep before 9pm one.. but was quite syok watching the current news of Malaysia yang somehow menggemparkan. Recommend you to view KennySia latest post. =)

Next morning, i meant this morning, FINALLY i walked out from my home for deeep fresh breath. =) FINALLY i saw my home's garden plants. =.= Well for the past dizzy giddy days, i walked out to.. get on bus and ~

Everyone is not special, maybe; everyone is unique, Yes.
Again, we have done another SAT practice test. My score is still, er.. like that. Maybe i am not critical enough. =| Maybe 2 years will be enough for me to become more and MORE critical. =) This slower pace does give me the taste of life. No-no to rushing. =) I don't want my mama to say I look like half-dead person. =)

Saw my friends in Klang leading a =D life with long-known friends. Saw them sitting in a car going to band practice for coming MIB ICB concert. If i am still in inti.. i will join them! =/ People, i miss band. I miss clarinet. I miss combine. I miss tuning. I miss all.

Any plan on Mooncake Festival? No. Not yet. Might not have any. =.= Went out to EngAnn morning bazaar. Nice feeling. Haaa~ Heeee~ Thanks to the rain that keeps falling on me. I am partially sick. =) --- =.=''

I know the feeling of being regretful when we lose something we can own. Chance comes once and normally would not come to us as it was again.
So.. hm.. i want to take the chance i have now to.. sleep more! ^^Y And to.. later when i know i tell you.

PEOPLE~ recommend me a non-fiction PLEASE? O.O