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These days when I am bored to
Friday.. er.. If I am not mistaken I went for short shopping. Things are cheaper lately. Thanks to the mega sale saving sale warehouse sale etc. =)
Saturday I was working at Popular, replacing a friend’s shift. I met quite some friends from secondary school. And ohh, I met mr.leong. The best thing is the boss, mr. Philip came and bought us POP soda water and Mentos SUGAR FREE gum, yap, that one with aspartame. haha~
Yap, Sunday morning I went to Pandamaran, my mom’s more exact hometown. Almost suffocated by those exhaust gases, I dislike motorcyclist. (sorry, have to =.=) And the traffic was so so so jammed before 9am, SUNDAY eh?If feels.. great meeting thirty others form5 classmates on Sunday. Girls with longer hair (I shouldn’t have cut mine =.=) and boys with more colorful one. Still with so much laughter. :D

Today all 5 of us went out without my dad (he has to work) to Damansara~ We went to Ikea (now I dislike Ikea.. when it is really crowded.. omg.. hate!! you just wish you will get out of there but it is not that easy to because you MUST walk until the end, no U-turn =.=) Then we went to OneU. SO SO sooo crowded as well. The only thing I bought from Ikea is a photo frame-like table mirror. lol. I found my shoe in Ikano!!! After 3 stores in Klang telling me “no more size” and “last one”, I found it! =) But i paid it, not my mom. =.=
And thank god my mom found those cups she wanted and oh god I have to find bowls she wants on Wednesday. Slowly, she is trying to replace old/new unused stuffs in the house by donating and giving them out and get in new ones. Good for me, I just keep trying to get rid of many many things that she and my dad wanted to keep. I was like.. will a 20 years old refrigerator brings you sentimental value??? =.=

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