My mom drove very slowly, thinking that it was still early before 9am and everyone must be doing the same. There was no bit sense of rushing. 8.50 a.m. when we were about to reach, oh my cars. Traffic was already in a slow motion. My mom was like, “I thought we are still early so I drive this slow ah, siao, people so ganjiong (nervous) for what?!”
She dropped my younger sister and I there and then we knew why. By the time I stepped in, maybe 9am or what, there were only 2 trolleys left. =.= And by the time we went into the Supermarket, people were snatching Darlie toothpaste.. =.= The most amazing moment I saw was people buying the WHOLE BOX of Darlie. Inside that box, well let me count.. there are more than 50 toothpastes. VERY CHEAP MEH? SO IN NEED MEH?

Hot aisles in the Supermarket were crowded with trolleys and adults. In a twinkling, toilet tissues packed with promotion price were gone, while the staffs keep taking out Darlie from their store. Unbelievable. And oh, Dynamo is one of the 6 goods sold at lower price for Jcard members, limited to 2 units per person. And to get those 6 goods, they set up a separated counter outside the supermarket. So people have to queue to buy them. The line, started from few meters and zoomed to the car park within an hour, well, try walk twice from your house’s front door to the back door and to the front door and.. well the line is still longer than that.

So, if you were there you can see people pushing out trolleys with many many many Dynamo and.. Dryper diapers. lol. Oh, they can buy many many Dynamo because, they just need to pay their Dynamo separately (either in separate receipt or cashier counter). So.. look what my mom has done..

Ma : More than half year.
Me : O.o

Me : Today people in Klang are crazy. How long do you think people buying boxes of Darlie will use to finish all their Darlies?
Ma : Siao one ah them.
Me : Cheap mah. Later economic merosot more they untung.
Ma : Later Darlie's price drop they rugi.
Me : Will meh?
Ma : Who knows??

Glorious moments:
- one lady, four trolleys full with paid items.
- one lady, one mother, 2 maids (useful during sales =.=), continuously filling and de-filling their trolleys to and fro the car.
I am happy I bought a new bed sheet which originally cost RM8x.xx at RM23. =)
I am NOT happy I forgot to buy a new mouse.. not that mouse, is that one you’re holding now (I assume).
I was too tired to queue for all fitting rooms that will take at least one hour so I ended up leaving that many hell low priced apparels floor. Ya.. I know I can save 70% for so many many many things but, there were too many people!!!

Wooh. Going to work at there from Friday to Saturday, with sales target to hit. AH. Oh please.. *I hope during that 3 days, many people suddenly need new Upax simcard. lol* Should be the last 3 days. :) Adding these 3 days, I would have worked 8 days (ONLY.. haha!!) during this holiday, and earned an amount of.. around 1k. Thank goodness I worked, I can foresee another big spend on books and papers on January, plus I HAVE already spent quite much in this holiday =.=.

My breakfast for today: Popcorn. I was just starving and I terpaksa buy this because I have to LOOK at the trolley all the time from dirampas. =.=
My lunch: Polo buns!! (eh, I start to like bread already. Done with mexico bun i am now into polos. haha~) I'll post about polo bun and ___ tomorrow~ Since I don't think I will post during this working weekend.
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