After 3 days of plumbing by that 3 uncles.. DONE!! Agh, bye bye and never see you again to them. =.= Because of them I have to stay at home, LOOKing at them for hours. hmph.
So yesterday with my sisters, we went Aeon. My elder sister, the uneconomical spender, bought many things that I forgot what are they. But I did remember that she bought a pair of shoe which costs more expensive than my SIX T-shirts fro
m PDI Padini & Voir and whatever. Well she is rich mah.
These days, we saw many elderlies are behaving seriously weird and odd and.. For normal homo sapien sapiens like us, we say "Excuse me" when someone is blocking our way, or okay, maybe some others prefer standing there with a can-you-please-shoo look. You know an apek, when I was looking at McVitie's Digestives (nice biscuit. Haha), he was holding a shopping basket, suddenly he said "Bee Buu Bee Buu" as a replacement for "Excuse me". Omg. I was so swt that I just stay cool and my younger sister bursted out laughing. =.='''
Second case was an apek and an amah walking while we were sitting on a bench. My younger sister was massaging my elder sister's neck. That apek passed by us and said "wah, very comfortable hor? I also want.(in Chinese)" My mind paused and interpreted the sentence again and again until my two sisters asked me what he said. Then the next few seconds, the apek's wife, the amah said to her husband, "Oi! What are you doing?" (in english) SWT!!
Apek Amah nowadays. (=_=)
My class for Spring semester 2009 is Honolulu.

Alright.. Honolulu is a beautiful place. Bye bye to Austin and helo Honolulu.
omg. I was thinking a lot about my new classmates sekalian last night. AH.
Quote this from WeyKiat's MSN pm. "Why do dinosaurs extinct? Because Ultraman kills one per week." ~_~''' Sounds true to me, in almost every episodes, Ultraman knocks down a dinosaur. =.=
I went to so so so many places these days. Almost the whole Klang. And with my mom, we almost visited every shoe shops, but then finding a pair of shoe is really hard! (i think)
And what I can say is: I AM TIRED. tataa~ =)
I quote Mean Girls
"and on the third day, God created the rifles..... to kill the dinosaurs.... and the homosexuals..."
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