My twin cousins played their beloved PS2 for at least 6 hours today, and I still could not understand why is that thing so.. addicting.
I don't need to think for topic to blog today, because the sky just gave me one.
=) =)
I like rainy days. If it is a light sprinkling, I like its lightness, can just walk under it without getting wet thoroughly. If it is a heavy rain, I like.. the lightning and thunder! =)
Look at the lightning. The longer it is the more beautiful it is. Like a zero point something seconds camera flash, (for the case that it is at night), you can see the whole place so clear as if it is daytime. Gorgeous. =)
Lightning comes before the thunder. So everytime lightning flashes, the next thing I see is people around me closing their eyes and ears, waiting for the moment I like so much. If what appears is only a small roar, people will just feel relieved, but inwardly, I had a small sigh. If the opposite hits, I can even smile and said wow in my mind. *siao.. who cares~*
Only for a very brief moment, the world is so silent.
Sometimes I got myself standing at the window/door staring at and listening to the rain. syok.
Anyone sells raining and thunder CD? or.. lightning DVD? haha..
I just came back from outside. My mom was driving averagely 30km/h because of the heavy heavy rain. Good for me, I watched quite a lot of natural camera flashing and enjoyed many baby thunder and a few of grandpa thunder. syok. =p
My mom and I had 4 hours making last decision on chair and sofa and.. deng deng~ we are done!! NO MORE furniture stores... phew~ It is a relief because, one of the seller has even told my mom enthusiastically "latex?? rubber ah? oh rubber not good one leh! If children spill water on it, the latex will be hardened! not good!" Then I told my mom, if what the aunty said is real, see, the tyres hor, must be turning hard when it rains. =.= (the only way I can let mother-stream mother to understand science stream theory) I am still hating that aunty. Because of her, I have to almost argue with my mom to prevent her from buying fake stuffs. hmph.
Oh. kidney failure = chronic renal failure. I read a bit about it today, but thanks to the rain I just wanna post about the rain. =p
*I feel like giving my hair some highlight too suddenly*
me : ma~ if i can color my hair hor, highlight brown color would be nice hor?
ma : oh. we don't need color already, already brown.
me : ceh..
me : BUT! now dark brown, highlight light brown leh hor?
ma : *ignore me and, just ignore* =.=
me : BUT! now dark brown, highlight light brown leh hor?
ma : *ignore me and, just ignore* =.=
ta ta~
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