Thursday while i was walking in Jusco, i received a sms tellingme i am someone's working partner. My reaction: (before) I just told my mom they gave no response, so i planned to walk walk around to spend my time thinking, (after) now I got the job, and i have to work.. tomorrow!?!!
Yap. And so, the same night, I went to Batu Belah to find another someone who will brief me about the job. When i reached home, it was 11pm ++ and I have to key in few boxes of Sim pack phone numbers. I slept at 1 a.m. - insomnia because I went to bed at wrong time. =.=The next morning, 7 a.m. I got ready and followed my mom out. To AEON~ This work is funny enough, and leisure enough enough. Why? We are promoting Celcom U.O.X and S.O.X sim pack - only for people from 12 - 25 years old. But then not a veeeery new thing already, so we weren't that busy. I was thinking to get one, maybe.. since we can keep the number until 25 years old and.. it won't expire even though you didn't reload. And ho, the sms and calling rate are the same for all networks. Too bad most clients we have were Malays. Well, Maxis is red. Digi is yellow. Celcom is..purple (Barney!! =.=) which is not a color Chinese prefers.

Very funny. We are working for Celcom. Yup. But.. from 10 am - 945 pm, I think we have more or less the same number of client buying sim pack ASSumed us as Customer Service counter. Oh ya. Since we are sitting in Popular bookstore, I thought of finding Barack Obama's book, but i think, i want to buy Eclipse!! :P There were a total of 5 aunties and ah pek asked us "Do you know where is the book for children?" "Magazine? Children magazine?" "Erm, where is the primary students' exercise book?" "Children story book, you know?" and finally before I went back, an abunene uncle asked me.. "Excuse me, can you help me on this? I am finding Barack Obama's _____. I had his _____Power already but i'm finding his _____" ( i was =.= enough so i didn't heard what he wants) But then because I looked around Barack Obama's books hours before, so i brought him there, and showed him there is only Audacity Of Hope left. And talked to him for a while. See, i am a good girl. =)
Worsen my cold, kesannya, I have NOT recovered from this husky coarse voice. =(
See the small TV there? We watched that from 10am-10pm. I think i can memorize the whole thing already.
8.. =.=
Back to home. I, of course, went to sleep~

I left this fellow in my room because i didn't have enough time to finish this before driving. =.=
At 1030a.m., i am at home again. Oh, i won't be working today and tomorrow because I am dead enough with the cute Kancil. =) I helped my mom with packing samples for CNY cookies again. I am so swift and good at doing this. *proud*
I have to rest. Ta ta~
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